OR&G Offshore Resources Ltd will make proper provision for the health, safety and welfare of our people, clients/visitors and contractors, and those in the community who may be affected by our activities.

We will care for the environment through a commitment to good environmental practices. Continual improvement will be achieved by implementing our Health, Safety & environment (HS&E) Management System and related standards. We shall meet relevant legal, industry and other operating requirements. All new activities will be assessed for environment impact and appropriate health and safety provision. All Executive management personnel are responsible for enacting this policy and giving HS&E equal priority with all other business issues. Implementation will be through line management.

it is recognized that accidents, ill health and environmental incidents may result from failings in management control and are not necessarily the fault of an individual employee.

All employees however, are expected to accept their responsibility to work safely, adhering to safety rules and work procedures, using safety equipment provided, and generally to contribute to the maintenance of safe and healthy conditions.


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